Do You Have Your Family to Thank for Your Tooth Discoloration?

November 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — budadental @ 2:33 am
generations of a family smiling

Genetics are amazing. You may have gotten your beautiful brown eyes from your grandfather. Or maybe your mother passed down your phenomenal mathematical abilities! There are many inherited traits that come from your family. But did you know the color of your teeth may be one, too? Perhaps you have always struggled with dark tooth stains, no matter how diligent you are with your dental hygiene. Discover from your cosmetic dentist the ways genetics influence your tooth discoloration and how you can get the bright smile you’ve always wanted!

How Can Genetics Influence Tooth Discoloration?

Staining and discoloration are commonly caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking, or consuming highly pigmented foods and drinks. This is called extrinsic staining. However, there are many cases where it’s caused by genetics.

There are two different types of inherited conditions that can affect the color of your smile:

  1. Dentinogenesis Imperfecta: This genetic condition causes grayish, transparent tooth enamel and weak, brittle teeth. This can affect either primary teeth (commonly known as “baby teeth”) or permanent teeth.
  2. Amelogenesis Imperfecta: This condition is also caused by genetic mutations. It results in yellow-brown tooth discoloration and soft, fragile enamel that’s prone to grooving and pitting. This condition can also increase your risk of tooth decay, chipping, cracking, and breaking.

How Can My Cosmetic Dentist Help with Staining?

If the stains on your teeth never seem to disappear no matter how much you brush and floss or use store-bought whiteners, your cosmetic dentist can help! Here are some options for you:

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening can help you achieve the bright smile you have been wanting! The materials used by a dental professional are more concentrated and effective than the versions sold online and in stores. They will apply a specially designed gel made from peroxide-based bleach to your teeth. Your dentist can also help you whiten at home by giving you custom-fit trays with lower concentrations of the gel.

Porcelain Veneers

The ultra-thin colored shells made from porcelain are bonded to the front surfaces of teeth for dynamic teeth-whitening as well as fixing any misshaping or gapping issues you may have. It’s an excellent solution for patients with severe discoloration!

Cosmetic Bonding

If you have a minor stain, dental bonding can hide it in no time. Your cosmetic dentist will apply a color-matched composite resin to the flawed tooth and sculpt it to match the surrounding teeth. The treatment can take as little as one hour, so you only need one appointment for your smile upgrade.

Don’t settle for tooth stains and discoloration, even if they’re genetic. With these options from your cosmetic dentist, you can flash bright pearly whites every time you smile!

About the Practice

Buda Dental Professionals provide excellent care to Buda and the surrounding areas through the expertise of our three amazing cosmetic dentists and team. With a 5-star rating on Google, our priority is helping you achieve the brightest, healthiest smile! We can meet all your cosmetic needs, from teeth whitening to veneers. To schedule any of the options mentioned above, contact them at their website or by phone at 512-877-5726.

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